Very high quality brand knife with 25cm blade length, hand sharpened. Made from one piece of iron-hardened steel. Suitable for all kinds of fruit and vegetables without hard shell

Knife 25 cm, flat
Knife 25 cm, flat

Knife 35 cm, wavy
Knife 35 cm, wavy
Large knife with 35cm blade length. With serrated edge ideal for cutting large fruits.

Knife 15 cm, flat
Knife 15 cm, flat
Sehr hochwertiges Marken-Messer mit 15cm Klingenlänge und Kunststoffgriff.Very high-quality brand knife with 15cm blade length and plastic handle.

Knife 11,5 cm
Knife 11,5 cm
Very high quality knife with serrated knife tip. Ideal for cutting tomatoes.

Asparagus peeler
Asparagus peeler
Very high-quality asparagus peeler for easy separation of the peel from the stem

Fruit peeler
Fruit peeler
Useful for all fruits and tubers that have to be peeled for evaluation.

Palet knife
Palet knife
Knife for quick cutting of parcel tape, adhesive tape or cardboard. Blade retractable. Can be broken off in individual segments.